The objective of IFRS 15 is to establish the principles that will be used when reporting on the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from a contract with a customer. It has replaced a number of accounting standards, notably IAS 18, which was the previous Revenue standard. Because it is now the primary source for revenue recognition guidance, IFRS 15 impacts all companies Compared to IAS 18, the IFRS 15 reporting framework can dramatically impact how and when your organization reports revenue, and it can do so in surprising ways.
Field of Study: Accounting
This course includes:
schedule1.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altIntermediate level
task_altPreparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Oct 30, 2019
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorThis course does not require any advanced preparation and is appropriate for those with a general understanding of IFRS who want a deeper understanding of IFRS 15.