Deceased Taxpayers - the Final Personal Tax Return
Income inclusion requirements, available tax planning and deductions available.
schedule 1 hour4.5(404 ratings)
About this course
CPA Alberta
CPA British Columbia
CPA Manitoba
CPA New Brunswick
CPA Nova Scotia
CPA Ontario
The death of an individual in Canada gives rise to numerous tax consequences and special filing requirements. Once this course is completed, students will be able to understand the importance of having a Will, understand the tax implications of the death of an individual, identify the tax-saving solutions and strategies that can be implemented to save substantial amounts of tax. If you are a tax advisor then this course will provide you with valuable knowledge in your education.
This course includes:
schedule1 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altIntermediate level
task_altPreparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Feb 22, 2022
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorDownload the slides and make notes as we dive into the various topics surrounding the final tax return of a Canadian deceased individual.
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024
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