About this course
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CPA Ontario
More and more, your company is asking you to do some things with Excel spreadsheets that may leave you challenged or even overwhelmed. Maybe someone else worked on a spreadsheet, and then they moved on, and now you are in charge of that spreadsheet. That is called inheriting a spreadsheet. That is what it is actually called. But inheriting a spreadsheet is not as fun as inheriting a million dollars. Maybe there are some formulas in the spreadsheet that you don’t understand. Or maybe your company is asking you to do certain tasks, and you know there must be a way to get those tasks done, but you don’t know how to actually do it. Do you struggle with Excel formulas? Do calculations take a long time, and you know there must be a better way to accomplish things in Excel, but you don't know where to turn? Then this course is for you. This course will show you the most popular functions and formulas in Excel and how to use them very efficiently. This webinar will make you more productive in Excel. Topics: Basic Math formulas Autosum and relative references Absolute references Range names Linking sheets and workbooks If, and, or, and the nested if functions Countif, Sumif, Averageif, Countifs, and Sumifs functions Vlookup and Hlookup functions Match and Index functions Date/time functions and calculations Text functions Tracking formulas
This course includes:
schedule2 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altIntermediate level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Jun 26, 2020
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorNo prerequisites
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At Jul 26, 2024