How to prioritize and set CPD/CPE goals

Following on from my last post where I recommended the importance of one task at a time, I now set out my recommendations for achieving your professional developmental goals.


At a brain level, we must consider the desire to achieve and this is where our motivational systems come into play. This motivational analysis will think about the reward trade-off and this means the costs of obtaining my professional CPD/CPE versus the benefits of a new role, promotion, or new company.


If rewards exceed costs, then approach but if there is a deficit where costs exceed rewards then avoid. This is brain chemistry and structure and is fundamentally our motivational choices. If fear activates in cases such as threat (even to one’s time) then this threat will trigger an avoidance mindset which, trust me, is not conducive to achievement. However, if challenge is activated cognitively, then an approach mindset will drive you on to success.


The next step is to prioritise your learning. This is easy to do if you are motivated. Just list all the areas of study needed and put them into an order of importance. Always remember to try and get the most bang for your buck here!! The most important at the top and the least important at the bottom. In the next post, we will match this weighting to our planning.


  • So we are now motivated and committed.
  • We know what needs to be addressed.
  • We also know in what order these items on the list need to be addressed.


The final task is to set the goals that will achieve your outcome and the actions needed to achieve those goals.


Good luck with your CPD/CPE priorities and these Courses may help.


Geoff Greenwood

Performance Specialist



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