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Rebecca Brizi
Business Process is Business Success
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I'm Rebecca G Brizi, a business consultant, avid reader, and dedicated drinker of coffee. Mainly: I'm a strong believer in how systems and plans make you better at your job. Because when you don't have to worry about "what comes next", you can use all the energy for growing your business. My courses are all premised on this theory. This is material I use to consult with my clients and to run my own business. You will find courses for freelancers and courses for small businesses, and courses that apply to both. A bit about my background: I spent eleven years working in a software company, joining at the initial startup phase and moving the company through a product change, to establishing a new market and subsidiary company in the United States. The latter was generating more than 45% of business growth (by volume and value) within 3 years. Most importantly: I learned the impact of good strategy. In other words, the importance of ensuring all our business goals, plans, people, and resources were properly aligned and working towards the same goal. Since March 2017 I work freelance providing consulting, training, and plan creations for small and medium sized businesses who are establishing their market or pursuing new growth strategies.