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Debra Benton
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Debra Benton is an internationally recognized expert on how effective executives think, manage, and lead. ranks her in the top 10 coaches in the world and she is the highest-ranking female. Debra has more than 30 years of international experience, partnering with, developing and advancing the career of many executives, and delivering seminars in more than 18 different countries, including 3 around-the-world tours. Her client list reflects a number of America’s premier companies: PepsiCo, GE, Citicorp, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, Time-Warner, DuPont, Kennecott, American Express, Mobile Oil, Timken, Pfizer, Kraft, AT&T, Merrill Lynch, NASA, and other leading global brands. Debra’s clients consistently report sustained positive change for both themselves and their organization from her practical, relevant and highly actionable guidance delivered in an insightful, candid and caring manner. She is an award winning, New York Times best-selling author on professional development and leadership with 11 books published by McGraw-Hill and Warner Books. Her most recent book, The Introverts Guild to Networking (November, 2020) adds to her earlier works: The Leadership Mind Switch, The CEO Difference, The Virtual Executive, How To Think Like a CEO, Secrets of a CEO, How to Act Like a CEO, Executive Charisma, CEO Material, and Lions Don’t Need to Roar. In addition to books, Debra has written on leadership for the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, and Fast Company.  She was awarded the International Woman of Vision award in 2016 by COWOI. Debra is an adjunct professor in the College of Business MBA program at Colorado State University. Debra was raised in a family of business owners where she says she “learned how to make a living but also how to live.” For more: